Manage hospitals and
    care homes efficiently

    Negotiate successfully with funding
    providers and create the best possible
    conditions for staff and customers.

    Health and Social Care

    Negotiate with funding providers successfully and from a strong position.

    A clear overview for social welfare organisations

    The Corporate Planning solution for health and social care supports charitable institutions and social welfare organisations in the planning, analysing and reporting of business figures. The users include non-profit organisations and providers of inpatient and outpatient care in the health sector, as well as organisations offering a wide range of services in the community such as child care, assistance for disabled people, sheltered housing, assisted living and counselling. Our software is used in cost centre management, financial management, performance management and HR management, and in the costing of occupancy and catering and of daily hospital and nursing care rates.


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    Das Steuerungsmodell für die stationäre Altenhilfe

    The management model for residential elderly care  

    Strengthen your negotiating position with funding providers. The Corporate Planning software for the social care sector gives you a model for managing your business operations. Keep track of your performance data and your payroll costs, as these are an essential cost factor for residential elderly care facilities. The management model, with continuous target-actual comparisons, acts as an early warning indicator in the corporate performance management process.

    Wettbewerbsfähig durch Liquidität

    Cash flow for competitive edge

    Many social welfare organisations, ecclesiastical sponsors and health sector businesses are guided by the cost covering principle. However, the investors regularly call for a cash-flow plan that is easy to follow. Our software solution is based on intelligent business logic that provides the basis for transparent integrated financial planning and auditable consolidation.


    Transparent budgeting for nursing, accommodation and catering

    Identify and visualise financing shortfalls in good time. Following new legislation introducing standard personal contributions payable by care home residents, the cost covering principle of staffing ratios has ceased to apply. With Corporate Planner you can plan alternative scenarios for your current business model and develop it in line with your strategy.

    Corporate Performance Management Software at Work

    What do the Corporate Planning software solutions achieve in practice? – Nobody's better placed to tell us than the companies working with it every day.
    Here's an overview of some of our customers' impressions.