Manage manufacturing companies efficiently

    Transparency, flexibility and agility
    for more certainty to succeed in a
    volatile market environment.

    Manufacturing Companies

    Identify cost drivers and keep track of your production costs.

    With increasing variation in product life cycles, production managers constantly need to work on optimising resource deployment and safeguarding production efficiency. Keep track of your key performance indicators in this continuous improvement process – from process steps, manpower, machinery and stock to the raw materials – with the Corporate Planning software.

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    Von Grobplanung bis Detailplanung

    From rough planning to detail planning

    The Corporate Planning software automatically transfers all the operational budgets to an integrated business plan. You can combine HR plans and production plans, as well as investment, loan, cost centre or sales data. You are then supplied automatically with the P&L, balance sheet and cash flows for the actual and planned production output.

    Entlarven Sie die Kostentreiber in der Produktion

    Identify the cost drivers in the production process

    Allocate the actual costs to each of your production steps and their processing times. In the Corporate Planning software, all these data are combined. Obtain a clear overview of your costs, such as payroll, raw materials or machine-hour rates. With the help of our solution, you can obtain the knowledge on the basis of which to reduce throughput times and manufacturing costs.

    Ressourcen optimal einsetzen

    Deploy resources efficiently

    Use the scenario planning feature in our solution to make sound decisions regarding your investments. Run through several alternatives quickly and determine precisely which investments are worthwhile. You are thus always prepared for worst-case and best-case scenarios alike.


    Work in your Excel environment

    Stay in your familiar surroundings: while you work in Microsoft Excel, the client retrieves the data from the Corporate Planning software in the background. This places all the processing logic in the planning, analysis and reporting software at your fingertips. In addition to the Excel client, we offer a web client for mobile access and a dashboard client for supplying today’s figures to decision-makers.

    Corporate Performance Management Software at Work

    What do the Corporate Planning software solutions achieve in practice? – Nobody's better placed to tell us than the companies working with it every day.
    Here's an overview of some of our customers' impressions.