Put smartness
    into financial planning

    Financial planning

    Corporate Planner Finance merges operational budgets and shows the effects on your P&L, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

    Fluctuations in turnover, customer payment practices, supplier payments and planned investments and loans will all have complex effects on your liquidity. Corporate Planner Finance ensures transparency and brings stability to your financial plan. The dynamic link between the P&L, balance sheet and cash flow statement sheds light on cause-and-effect relationships. You always have a clear overview of how your company's cash balance is developing, so you can make sound decisions for the future of your business

    Your advantages:

    • Agile liquidity management with real-time forecasting and scenario planning
    • Automatic data transfer from all common source systems
    • Parallel use of accounting standards, such as local GAAP alongside IAS/IFRS
    • business logic for all planning specifications
    • A workflow guides the user step by step through the financial planning process

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    Die Liquidität sichern

    Safeguarding liquidity

    Solvency – and not profit alone – is what determines the continuity of a business. Knowing about the available funds is a matter of vital importance. With Corporate Planner Finance you can manage your entire business with an integrated approach. You can plan your liquidity requirements well in advance and take corrective action as and when necessary. The solution clearly shows you how the liquidity of your business is going to develop on the basis of all the operational budgets that have been entered.

    Finanzcontrolling mit vordefinierten Planungslogiken

    Financial planning with predefined planning logic

    Corporate Planner Finance works with logic blocks for processing business transactions. Using these logic blocks, you plan your income statement (P&L) and your balance sheet, taking the business context into account as well as the interrelationships between the various sections of the plan. An intercompany reconciliation according to the leader-follower principle saves you valuable time and is also an excellent preliminary step for your consolidated financial statement.

    Financial Planning Brochure

    Financial Planning Brochure

    In any company, the liquidity budget is one of the most important business administration tasks. When sales patterns change, forthcoming investments and loans need to be planned, or customer or supplier payment policies are altered, all these influencing factors interact and can have complex effects on the financial plan.

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    Die Brücke zur Konsolidierung

    The bridge to consolidation

    With the Corporate Planner Finance and Corporate Planner Cons solutions, you and your colleagues in consolidation form a successful team. The two solutions are fully integrated, so all the data from financial planning are automatically ready for use in the consolidated financial statement.


    Seamlessly connected to your system environment

    Our integrations build reliable connections between any pre-systems – ERP systems, software for financial and cost accounting, and the payroll processing software used in human resource management, for instance – and the Corporate Planning software.

    Corporate Performance Management Software at Work

    What do the Corporate Planning software solutions achieve in practice? – Nobody's better placed to tell us than the companies working with it every day.
    Here's an overview of some of our customers' impressions.