For more attentiveness
    in HR management

    HR Management

    Corporate Planner OC is the solution with which you keep track of your environment and the needs of your staff.

    Identify staff shortages with scenario planning

    The workforce of a company is an elementary resource. In HR management you need to plan flexibly – in terms of individual teams or entire departments, part-time staff or perhaps all employees on fixed-term contracts. Corporate Planner OC is the solution with which you need never again encounter staff shortages or financial bottlenecks. Our solution gives you the flexibility to depict alternative human resource planning scenarios side by side. You can follow all developments closely and identify staff shortages in good time.

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    Zugriffe beschränken und sensible Daten schützen

    Restrict access and protect sensitive data

    Personnel managers work with sensitive personal data, such as sickness rates, salaries and staff turnover. Corporate Planner OC is the solution that can be relied on to protect confidential information. The software’s rights management system gives the HR manager full access to the personnel database while only allowing colleagues in corporate performance management access to the aggregated HR department figures.


    Use data from back-office systems

    Corporate Planner OC has integrations to all back-office systems commonly used in HR management, including Datev, Navision and SAP. Through these interfaces, all the relevant data are automatically transferred to our software. This means that the data are always up to date, and changes in a particular pre-system are applied straight away. Corporate Planner OC fits seamlessly into any existing system environment.

    Corporate Performance Management Software at Work

    What do the Corporate Planning software solutions achieve in practice? – Nobody's better placed to tell us than the companies working with it every day.
    Here's an overview of some of our customers' impressions.