Corporate Planner
    Connectivity Express

    Blends seamlessly into any system environment

    Smart data management

    Use the wide range of functions in the Corporate Planning software on the data supplied by your source systems too. Corporate Planner Connectivity Express automatically imports all the information you need for your corporate performance management tasks. Whenever values change in any of your connected systems, these will be updated automatically. This ensures that you always have all the current data at your disposal for planning, analysis and reporting. You save time and effort, and your processes become far less prone to error.

    Always up to date

    Corporate Planner Connectivity Express connects more than 300 source systems to the Corporate Planning software. And, because we are rapidly developing integrations for new systems, our portfolio is expanding all the time. Even when source system versions change, you will not be at all inconvenienced. We are
    constantly monitoring the developments in the market and continually adjusting Corporate Planner Connectivity Express. This means that your integration is always up to date and you will always be working with the latest data.


    Automated data import

    Your figures are always up to date, and your processes much less prone to error.


    Multi-client capable, integrated data import

    The import of data to the Corporate Planning solution is multi-client capable.


    Drilldown to the scanned voucher

    The principle of the single point of truth means that you can trace every value back to the underlying accounting entry.


    Work on location

    You can easily transfer the data from all your on-site and off-site departments.


    Performance gain

    Compressed and faster processing of the stored data allows a significant gain in performance.


    A safe investment

    We adjust all our integrations whenever a new version is released.

    CP-Connectivity Express

    The CP-Connectivity Express integration connects your back-office systems with the Corporate Planning software. The data transformation and structure import are already configured. Changes occurring in the pre-system are included automatically. This leaves you with more time to concentrate on worthwhile business management activities, i.e. planning, analysis and reporting. An optional drill-down to the scanned vouchers in the document management system allows you to get the most out of the integration and provides transparency.
