University of Sussex

    University of Sussex is a top-20 £300M university with a significant focus on Research. In December 2017, it implemented a totally new ‘Out-of-the-box’ TRAC (Transparent Approach to Costing) Solution from leading HEI budgeting & planning specialists Account-Ability in only 8 days.

    The staff that had knowledge of TRAC had left the University. The new TRAC accountant was starting in November and had to produce a return by the end of January. The existing TRAC model was in Excel and reported at school level. It was made up of multiple linked Excel workbooks and was ‘difficult to understand and to validate’. Read more
    University of Sussex

    Solutions: Operational Controlling

    Industry: Universities

    Sites: Great Britain

    "Corporate Planning and Account-Ability provided us with the right solution for TRAC reporting quickly and with expertise."

    Allan Spencer
    Director of Finance

    proALPHA in Practice