Deltex Handels-GmbH

    Questions for Managing Director Odo von Franqué

    What was your starting point? 

    The immense growth in orders over the past few years and the amounts of data involved meant that an error-free evaluation of our corporate performance management data was becoming an increasingly demanding task. That's why we needed a solution with which we could analyse the data and use these analyses to create a clean plan. 

    What are your highlights? 

    For us, Corporate Planning is the ideal solution for pooling the essential data from different source systems quickly and easily in one data room. This provides us with a basis on which we can perform clean data analyses and use these analyses to create plans. 

    About Deltex Handels-GmbH  

    Deltex Handels-GmbH has been developing, producing and distributing textiles and accessories for leisure and sport for more than 30 years. With a wide range of products, the company serves the retail trade, focusing on the product idea all the way to the point of sale. The company currently employs 45 people at its headquarters in Hamburg, and it also has branches in Dhaka, Hong Kong and Sydney. Deltex products are mostly made in Asia and distributed through discount retailers as well as to fashion and sports brands. 


    Deltex Handels-GmbH

    Solutions: Financial Planning, Consolidation, Cost Management, Liquidity Management, Sales Management

    Industry: Trade

    Sites: Hamburg (Germany)

    Employees: 45

    "For us, Corporate Planning is the ideal solution for pooling the essential data from different source systems quickly and easily in one data room. This provides us with a basis on which we can perform clean data analyses and use these analyses to create plans." 

    Odo von Franqué, Managing Director