Rinderzucht Schleswig-Holstein eG
Three Questions for Olaf Weick
What was your starting point?
We used to prepare our monthly cost accounting with complicated Excel lists and on the basis of printouts.
What were your highlights?
The 80/20 analyses, ad-hoc tables and the time slider function have made our work a lot quicker and easier.
What lessons have you learned?
A quick overview combined with being able to retrieve specific detailed information is becoming more and more important.
About Rinderzucht Schleswig-Holstein
Rinderzucht Schleswig-Holstein eG was founded on 1st September 1992, when the predecessor organizations with their German Black Pied, Red Pied and Angeln cattle joined forces in breeding and insemination. Today, RSH eG has 15 sites in total and, with its 130 employees, achieves an annual turnover of approx. €24m in the business segments of breeding, insemination and marketing of breeding animals and agricultural products. Since 2010, the RSH eG subsidiary SVN has offered its members the option to buy semen of RSH bulls and exchange sires as private semen. Since 2016, SVN has also been offering Optipro herd management advice funded under Article 15 of the EAFRD Regulation to all dairy farms in Schleswig-Holstein.

Solutions: Operational Controlling
Industry: Agriculture and forestry
Sites: Neumünster (Germany)
Employees: 134
"With Corporate Planner, the automated import means that our monthly reporting is done virtually by mouse-click. Targeted variance analyses give us a quick overview of the status and history of the figures."
Olaf Weick, Managing Director