SWW Oberallgäu Wohnungsbau GmbH
By comparing the data streams, we can compare and analyse the various plan and actual figures right through to account level. Our planning is thus becoming more and more accurate all the time.
We also use the software for working out the key ratios for our annual financial statement. Ad-hoc reports have made us faster at complying with all kinds of different internal and external reporting requirements.
With Corporate Planner we have implemented a cost centre and cost unit analysis that wasn’t previously possible because our ERP software doesn’t come with this functionality.
Using a prepared report, we can now also follow the results of each division on a regular basis.
All in all, the Corporate Planning software serves us very well. There’s hardly anything that cannot be done with a little help from a consultant.
The solution works very logically. To use it, you need to be well versed in financial accounting. It is essential to use the program regularly to perform your tasks successfully with it.
"In Corporate Planner Finance we have an integrated planning model that enables us to produce the budget and forecast of our P&L, balance sheet and cash flow statement on a rolling basis."
Jörg Weizenegger
Head of Accounting