The VivaPLAN Group uses the Corporate Planning software for project-related and geographical evaluations. As well as importing the actual data from the financial accounting system and the budget data from Excel, Corporate Planner allocates the service and subsidiary cost centres to the respective production cost centres in an easily traceable manner using keys defined in formulae and reference functions.

    The allocations are made in the Budget stream and also in the Actual stream. In the P&L structure, which only needed to be built once, it takes us just a few clicks to produce target-actual comparisons for each location and cost centre. We can then analyse them in terms of cost type straight away.

    The VivaPLAN Group designs and builds upmarket accommodation specifically for nursing and residential homes. Since our numerous projects are scattered far beyond the Bavarian border, we need software that can process the financial and management accounting data from each site rapidly and with a minimum of effort on our part. On the strength of personal experience with the Corporate Planning software, the executive management decided in favour of introducing Corporate Planner.

    The implementation went fairly quickly and smoothly, since the program and its features were already familiar from before. The main functions and the data import had hardly changed, and it wasn’t long before it all came back. Fortunately, the procedure for creating reports had been completely overhauled in the meantime and is now much simpler.

    Thanks to the highly competent Corporate Planning consultants and the largely self-explanatory way in which the software works, it was all up and running after just two days of configuration with simultaneous training.
    VivaPLAN GmbH

    Solutions: Operational Controlling

    Industry: Real estate

    Sites: Regensburg (Germany)

    Employees: 10

    "Thanks to the highly competent Corporate Planning consultants and the largely self-explanatory way in which the software works, it was up and running after just two days of configuration with simultaneous training."

    Christian Herrmann
    Certified Accountant