AWO Kreisverband Mitte e.V.
Three Questions for Financial Controller Maria Klaucke
What was your starting point?
Our diverse range of services meant that we had very specific requirements. Planning in Excel was becoming too complex: with too many links the program would stop working and there was a high risk of error. The new software needed to be able to display different types of financing as well as having options for customization, several different cost allocation systems, rapid data analyses, plenty of interfaces, and much more besides. Thanks to the Corporate Planning solution we now have all this covered. We're still trying out the many new possibilities and we've not been disappointed.
What are your highlights?
We particularly like the clear tree structure of the data as well as the time slider. Corporate Planner enables us to access data from the highest aggregation level of the group, through companies, facilities, cost centres, accounts and postings, to the voucher display, which quickly makes the data transparent. In the CP tree, we can go straight to the individual levels at any time and evaluate topics in seconds.
What lessons have you learned?
I'd especially like to point out the huge time savings achieved with the CP software. The implementation was well worth the effort. Since there are no rigid structures, individual requirements can be covered. The rapid, customized evaluations, the time slider and the different possibilities for consolidating costs and cost centres are extremely useful.
About AWO Kreisverband Mitte e.V.
AWO Berlin Mitte (Workers' Welfare Association, Berlin Central District), with more than 480 employees as well as more than 40 facilities and numerous projects, is one of the major providers of social services in Berlin. The organization's guiding principles are based on the fundamental values of solidarity, tolerance, freedom, justice and equality. It aims to help people shape their lives independently and to promote a democratic coexistence in solidarity. This means that, as a social services provider, AWO supports women affected by violence, refugees, children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, people in need of housing, and other groups of people who find themselves in exceptional circumstances.

Solutions: Cost Management, Operational Management
Industry: Health and social care
Sites: Berlin (Germany)
Employees: 480
Maria Klaucke, Financial Controller