Caritasverband der Erzdiözese Salzburg
Questions for Mr. Daniel Neumaier
What was your starting point?
As we have around 200 operational cost centres, the budgeting process involved exporting an Excel sheet for each cost centre from the accounting system (formerly Exact) and sending these to the cost centre managers. The cost centre managers would then enter their budget figures in the Excel sheets and send them back to us. This process was rather time-consuming and prone to error, so it needed to be improved.
What are your highlights?
With the help of the new Reporting Studio, simple tables are automatically transformed into comprehensive management reports with clear messages, comments and highlighting.
About Caritasverband der Erzdiözese Salzburg
Caritas helps people in need – regardless of their religion, world view or background – with donations and a wide range of services, from domiciliary and residential care provision and support for people with disabilities through to social work with children, young people, adults and refugees. Caritas also runs a training centre for staff specializing in work with families, the elderly and people with disabilities. In addition to that, Caritas has a sociopolitical mission: to draw attention to the causes of need, to offer suggestions for improvement, and to work towards concrete changes.

Solutions: Operational Controlling, Consolidation
Industry: Health and social care
Sites: Salzburg (Austria)
Employees: 730
"From our evaluation of leading corporate performance management solutions, Corporate Planner emerged as the software that is best suited to our requirements. These include a connection to external data sources, capturing our company, client and cost centre data, and training sessions so that the software may be used efficiently by all cost centre managers – be they social workers, teachers or nursing staff. It was also a major achievement that everyone involved has their own access to the web client, so they can view their figures and assess them in the comment column."
LLB.oec. Daniel Neumaier, Financial Controller