Caritasverband Rhein-Kreis Neuss e.V.

    What was your starting point?

    Before the Corporate Planning software was introduced in 1997, there were no tools for corporate performance management or BI at our organization. In 2006, during a merger, Corporate Planner was developed further and became the central BI tool for the new general association.

    What were your highlights?

    Corporate Planner enables us to drill down from the highest group aggregation level, through companies, facilities, cost centres, accounts and postings, to our document management system’s voucher display, and thus to make data transparent quickly. In the CP tree, I can go straight to the individual levels at any time and evaluate a wide variety of topics in seconds.

    What lessons have you learned?

    Data quality is crucial for success. This is where bullshit in means bullshit out.


    About the Caritas Association Rhine District Neuss

    The Caritas Association Rhine District Neuss and its subsidiaries, Caritas Senior Citizen Services Rhine District Neuss and Caritas Social Services Rhine District Neuss, are the funding providers for more than 40 residential and non-residential elderly care facilities and counselling services.
    Caritasverband Rhein-Kreis Neuss e.V.

    Solutions: Finance Management, Operational Controlling

    Industry: Health and social care

    Sites: Grevenbroich (Germany)

    Employees: 1100

    "Corporate Planner enables us to drill down from the highest group aggregation level, through companies, facilities, cost centres, accounts and postings, to our document management system's voucher display, and thus to make data transparent quickly."

    Niels Christian Schnieders
    Head of Corporate Performance Management