AWO Unterbezirk Dortmund

    What was your starting point?

    We were looking for a software solution for our project management in which our corporate structure could be displayed according to departments. We also wanted to be able to make adjustments to the solution quickly and easily whenever necessary.

    What were the highlights?

    With Corporate Planner, we have simplified our economic planning and budgeting process and introduced quick target-actual comparisons.

    What has been the greatest benefit?

    Because there’s so little work involved, we can now check more frequently whether our projects are within budget. Our day-to-day work benefits from the speed with which we establish transparency across the departments.
    The flexible tree structure is excellent for displaying our business divisions. People who do not have a background in this field can very quickly get an overview of the business structure. We also appreciate the ad-hoc graphics, which provide instant visual access to our business figures.


    About AWO Unterbezirk Dortmund

    The Workers’ Welfare Association (Arbeiterwohlfahrt, AWO), alongside Caritas, Diakonie, the German Red Cross, Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband and the Jewish Religious Community Welfare Association, is one of the six umbrella organisations of independent welfare providers in Germany. The Workers’ Welfare Association is a membership organisation that is structured according to democratic principles.

    The over 7,800 individual members of AWO Unterbezirk Dortmund, the Dortmund subdistrict association, are organised in 59 local associations. AWO Unterbezirk Dortmund is part of Bezirksverband Westliches Westfalen e.V., the district association of Western Westphalia. The full-time work in the regional authority of Dortmund is provided and organised in several separate, independent business operations: services for the disabled, counselling and support, child and youth services, and services for the elderly.
    AWO Unterbezirk Dortmund

    Solutions: Finance Management

    Industry: Health and social care

    Sites: Dortmund (Germany)

    Employees: 7800

    "The flexible tree structure is excellent for displaying our business divisions. People who do not have a background in this field can very quickly get an overview of the business structure. We also appreciate the ad-hoc graphics, which provide instant visual access to our business figures."

    Antje Rottmann
    Deputy Managing Director